Manifesting Happiness: Cultivating a Joyful Life through Positive Affirmations

Positive affirmations are a powerful tool to transform your mindset and improve your life. They are statements or phrases that you repeat to yourself with the intention of fostering a positive and constructive mindset. These affirmations are designed to challenge and overcome self-sabotaging and negative thoughts, promoting a more optimistic outlook on life. Utilizing positive affirmations is rooted in the belief that our thoughts influence our emotions, behaviors, and ultimately shape our reality. It’s like that common saying “watch your words, they become your thoughts; watch your thoughts, they become your actions; watch your actions, they become your habits; watch your habits, they become your character; watch your character, they become your destiny.” So if we think we’re happy and satisfied with the current season we’re in, we’re probably going to feel happy and content.

My personal journey with positive affirmations.

Photo by Craig Adderley on

Positive affirmations have helped me in various seasons of my life. They help me to identify what’s true and what’s not true when I venture down negative thoughts. They’ve helped me to stay grounded and see the light at the end of the tunnel when things feel heavy. 

Let’s take a quick pause….I know you may be wondering about toxic positivity. Some may view these two concepts as one in the same, but hear me out…they are different. Toxic positivity is ignoring valid concerns, struggles, or emotions. However, to manifest happiness, we’re not dismissing life’s challenges. Instead, we’re acknowledging them, while also acknowledging what is going well. Joy in challenges can coexist. I know…it sounds strange, but trust me with this.

For 30 days I stated the same positive affirmations each morning on my way to work. By the end of the 30 days I felt at peace, joyful, and that I was on the right path towards the life I wanted for myself. My esteem was higher and I felt empowered to accomplish whatever would happen throughout the day. It was as if I did a workout for my mind each morning. And in doing so I could face the day.

Where to start.

Photo by Dom J on

So let’s dive in! You’ve got this. The key is being consistent. Affirmations are most effective when practiced consistently, ideally as part of a daily routine. Determine where and when you will say your affirmations. Don’t think too deep about this, I literally did it on my drive to work. It can be in the shower, during your lunch break, when you wake up in the morning or before you go to bed. When you say your positive affirmations, it’s important to believe in what you’re saying. Try visualizing what you are affirming, mentally experiencing the positive outcomes.

Below I’ve listed affirmations you can use or feel free to write your own. If you decide to write your own affirmations, it’s best to tailor them to address specific areas you want to focus on; like personal or professional goals. You’ll also want to vary the statements to keep the practice fresh and engaging.

Just remember, incorporating positive affirmations into daily life is a simple yet impactful way to cultivate a positive mindset and promote personal growth. Now this isn’t a magical solution, but, when it’s used with intention and consistency, positive affirmations can contribute to a more positive and empowered way of thinking.

So for the next 30 days, I want you to take time to say these positive affirmations. And then come back and let me know how it’s impacted your life.

 25 Positive Affirmations 

  1. I am bigger than my doubts, bolder than my fears, and stronger than my obstacles.
  2. I am capable of doing hard things.
  3. I am loved.
  4. I am chosen.
  5. I am enough.
  6. I deserve good things.
  7. I am worthy of love and happiness.
  8. I am capable of achieving anything I put my mind to.
  9. I am beautifully and wonderfully made.
  10. I am letting go of things that don’t serve me.
  11. I am confident in who I am.
  12. I embrace change and look forward to experiencing new things.
  13. I trust the process of life and let go of worries.
  14. I honor my feelings, but I don’t let them control me.
  15. I embrace my flaws and use them to my benefit.
  16. I love and honor my body as it is today.
  17. I am worthy of giving myself grace and compassion.
  18. I am valuable.
  19. I am kind.
  20. I am confident.
  21. I have everything I need to succeed within me.
  22. I have everything I need to make today a great day.
  23. I accept my past and it does not define my future.
  24. I am proud of myself for overcoming challenges in my life.
  25. I am wealthy, abundant, and prosperous.

If you had to add to this list, what positive affirmation would you say? Which affirmation above resonates with the current season you’re in today? Comment below and share your thoughts.


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