5 Ways to Get Unstuck Quick

Have you ever woken up one morning and just felt off? You wake up and nothing is wrong but you just don’t feel like adulting. You can’t pinpoint what has you in this rut, but you’d be perfectly content crawling back into bed and drifting back to sleep hoping for a fresh start the next day.

woman in green trench coat sitting and leaning against a concrete red brick wall
Photo by Mikhail Nilov on Pexels.com

That was the kind of morning I had today. I wasn’t upset, no one made me mad. Literally nothing happened. It was like that old saying, “I woke up on the wrong side of the bed.” When I have moments like this, it lets me know I need to reconnect with myself. I’m not grounded, and need to find ways to hit the reset button. And, if you’re a working momma and in a leadership position like me, taking a day off isn’t always an option. So what did I do to reset my day? I’m so glad you asked!! 😂 

Here are 5 things I did to reconnect, reset, and have a fairly productive day. Some things I had to do continuously to keep me going and that’s okay. I also had to incorporate more than one thing if I felt I still wasn’t feeling like myself. My hope is that what has helped me, will also help you reconnect, reset, and have a good day. And if you try one of these things and you’re still in a rut, that’s okay. Keep trying, you can always hit the reset button throughout your day.

  1. Listen to uplifting or worship music
  2. Pray or state positive affirmations/intentions for your day
  3. Meditate or if you’re at work find a quiet space to close your eyes and take 5-10 deep slow breaths
  4. Find one thing to be grateful for
  5. Take a walk, preferably outside if possible

What are some things you do to reset your day, to feel connected to yourself again? Comment below and share ways you get unstuck.


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