5 Tips On How to Get 10K Steps in a Day

Summer is right around the corner and what better way to get in shape in time for those beach days than to get your steps in! The best way to get in shape is to try to reach 10,000 steps a day. Believe it or not, walking is one of the easiest ways to loose weight. Of course it has to be coupled with a healthy diet.

Sadly, for me, I’m still carrying the 15 pounds I gained when I had by daughter….two years ago (shhhh!) Now this isn’t for all the girlies, but the most important thing for me is to feel comfortable in my skin and in my clothes. And with my height (5’5 and a half lol) weighing 165 is not healthy or an ideal weight for my body mass index. So I’m on a mission to achieving 10k steps a day!

Here are my top five ways I’m working to achieve this goal:

  1. Track Your Steps

Using a fitness tracker like a smartwatch or your phone will help you stay on track with your step goal. I have a galaxy watch (Android for the WIN!) that counts my steps throughout the day. It will also alert me when I’ve reached my goal of 10k steps. My galaxy watch will also send me a notification if I’ve been sitting too long or haven’t moved around. This is such a nice feature because I work at a desk and can get very deep into my work that I will go an hour or two without standing up and moving my body. Having a fitness tracker helps take your mind out of the equation, removes the pressure of over thinking, and helps remind you to move your body throughout the day.

  1. Incorporate Walking Into Your Day to Day Routine

If you have a sedentary job like me, it can get very easy to sit all day. Find opportunities to walk more throughout your day. This may look like parking a little farther from the office or the grocery store, taking a lap around the office, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, or jogging in place at your desk. Sometimes a few ladies in the office will take our lunch break at the same time and take a few laps around the parking lot. Once you start, you’ll start to discover new opportunities to incorporate more walking throughout your daily routine.

  1. Take Short Walks Throughout the Day

10,000 steps sounds like A LOT!! However, if you break up those steps throughout the day, it definitely is manageable. Don’t feel like you have to get 10k steps in one moment or workout. Every step you take throughout the day counts. You’d be surprised how frequent brief walks add up by the end of the day.

  1. Make It Social

This next tip is my favorite tip. Make it social or even competitive if you’re like me. Most fitness trackers have a setting where you can set challenges with other friends. My galaxy watch has rings, so when I meet my goals like walking 10k steps a day the ring closes and I earn a badge. Invite some coworkers, family members, or friends to join you in reaching 10k steps a day. Making this fitness goal social will help hold you accountable. And, it’s just fun!

  1. Set Reminders/Goals Throughout the Day

Lastly, it can be helpful to set reminders. Setting reminders or step goals throughout the day will help break up this goal into more manageable, attainable goals. Fro example, you can say by 10:00 a.m. I will have 2,500 steps. You could easily knock this out by dancing to your favorite song or getting ready for work in the morning. Setting alarms can also come in handy to keep your body moving. This is key. It doesn’t have to be an extensive workout, remember, walking is the goal here. No matter the distance, a short walk around your office or home can help you achieve your 10k steps a day goal.

Walking 10k steps is as easy as these 5 tips above and it’s a great way to improve your overall health. I’m not a medical doctor, but I know I sleep better and have more energy during the day when I am actively moving my body. I mentally feel better. I’d love for you to join me in this challenge. And if for some reason you don’t hit 10k steps one day, that’s okay, you still were actively moving your body throughout the day and that is still progress! Plus tomorrow’s a new day to try again. So what do you say, are you willing to try to get 10k steps a day?


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